What Do You Need For A Strawberry Banana Smoothie

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What Kind Of Yogurt Should You Use In Smoothies

How to Make Banana Strawberry Smoothies

You should use plain Greek yogurt that has more grams of protein than sugar.

Using plain, unsweetened, unflavored Greek yogurt gives you the good fat content you want from yogurt, but without added sugar.

Because you are blending the yogurt with fruit, there really is no need for additional sugar. It will be sweet enough just with fruit.

Plain Chobani yogurt is one of our favorites to add to smoothies!

However, if you find you need to sweeten your smoothie, I recommend adding a little bit of honey or agave nectar for a natural sweetener.

Can You Store This Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Actually, you can! Smoothies are best eaten immediately. But you can store this strawberry banana smoothie for 1 to 2 days refrigerated. Store it in a sealed container or a mason jar with the lid on. If it separates , just shake it up and youre good to go.

Why would you store it? Its actually perfect for breakfast on the good. Mix up a smoothie the night before, and you can enjoy it for breakfast the next day.

What Kind Of Blender Do You Need To Make A Smoothie

If you want to make a large smoothie or smoothie for two servings, I recommend a traditional blender.

Personally, I love love love my Vitamix and recommend one if smoothies are a part of your daily rituals.

If you want to make an individual smoothie to take with you on the go, the Magic Bullet blender is really great.

However, youll want to halve this recipe for an individual serving size!

Also Check: Watermelon And Banana Smoothie For Weight Loss

Ingredient Strawberry Banana Smoothie

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Im going to admit, ever since spring started Ive been trying to lose a few pounds. One of my all time favorite fun and easy ways to shed a few pounds during the summer is to drink a glass of refreshing smoothie every day either for breakfast or dinner.

Smoothies fill you up for a long time and when made without sugars or added sweeteners can be a great way to get an intake of fruits and vegetables.

This strawberry banana smoothie is made with just 3 ingredients. Strawberries, bananas, and milk or water. You just toss all the ingredients in the blender for a few seconds until its nice and creamy and your done. It really doesnt get much easier than this!

You can also customize it by adding some berries or even some kale for an even healthier smoothie.

Are Bananas In A Smoothie A Good Ingredient Choice


Bananas are a great addition to a smoothie and actually are a good base. You can actually add banana to almost any smoothie recipe and avoid milk too if you prefer, you can use water instead. So its a great versatile option.

Another great way to enjoy a banana is with this nice cream recipe too.

Strawberry Banana Smoothies are naturally sweetened, but you can add some vanilla extract to bring out the flavors, even more, it gives a nice additional flavor to it.

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Tips For Making The Perfect Smoothie:

  • I like to use slightly overripe bananas because it makes the smoothie a little sweeter.
  • Fresh strawberries can be used but then you will have to add about 1 ½ cups of ice – I HIGHLY recommend sticking to frozen because this means the smoothie doesnt get watered down.
  • Any milk can be used.
  • Try making this smoothie with blueberries.
  • Protein powder, collagen powder, or any other supplement can be added to the smoothie, just note that if its flavored it can alter the flavor of the smoothie.
  • 1 tablespoon of agave or pure maple syrup may be used instead of honey or sweetener can be completely omitted.
  • ½ cup of oatmeal can be added to the mixture for texture and thickness.
  • Cottage cheese may be used in place of yogurt for an extra pack of protein.
  • Want a really thick smoothie? Add an extra banana.

Healthy Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Sweet and creamy, with fresh strawberry banana flavor. This healthy strawberry banana smoothie can be made with milk, dairy free or high protein.

This easy strawberry banana smoothie is made with just 3 ingredients . Its cool, creamy and refreshing. You can make it dairy free, vegan or high protein. I explain how to make YOUR perfect strawberry banana smoothie in this post!

My kids and I have been drinking smoothies nonstop this summer. Like our favorite banana smoothie, we love this strawberry banana smoothie for a snack and for breakfast.

Pin this recipe for later

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Tips To Make A Healthy Strawberry Smoothie

  • You may be asking, is fresh fruit better than frozen fruit? Well, the answer is that it doesnt really matter. Fresh fruit can be expensive and hard to find come the colder months, so frozen is a great option. Just note that using frozen fruit may make a thicker finished product.
  • Buy a bunch of bananas, slice them up and store in the freezer until its smoothie-making time.
  • Fill multiple freezer bags or small containers with a serving of the berries and bananas. Store in the freezer and pull out when you are ready to make your smoothie. Just add these frozen fruits into the blender and follow the recipe accordingly.
  • Play around with ingredients to switch up the taste and nutrition profile so you dont get strawberry smoothie boredom.

Lets Get Started By Talking About The Ingredients For This Strawberry Banana Smoothie

DIY Healthy Smoothie! (Strawberry Banana)
  • Strawberries can be added either fresh or frozen depending on what you have. Its better to use frozen strawberries than unripe out of season fresh berries. With smoothies you need something to be frozen so if you use fresh berries, try using frozen bananas.
  • Bananas are the same as I mentioned with strawberries, use either fresh or frozen. You just want to make sure something in your smoothie is frozen for the best texture.
  • Yogurt We love Greek yogurt here, but any dairy free yogurt you like can be subbed in. You can also just use a bit more milk of your choice as well. I like to use canned coconut milk for dairy free because it adds so much creaminess and flavor.
  • Milk Ive been loving the Malk brand lately for dairy free milk because they dont use any additives. I like getting any of the unsweetened vanilla nut milks for the extra vanilla flavor. But you can use any milk youd like here!
  • Vanilla and almond extract just a touch of both extracts makes this smoothie irresistible. But if you dont like almond extract, you can leave it out. I add just the smallest amount so it enhances the berry flavor without tasting like almond extract.

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Tips For Making The Best Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Dont add ice. Smoothie recipes often pair fresh fruit with ice cubes. This seems like a great idea if youre trying to create a refreshing beverage, right? Well, in my opinion, this is a big mistake. Ice actually dilutes the fruit and leads to a lackluster flavor. Instead, for a truly flavor-packed smoothie, be sure to use frozen bananas. This will give you a chilled smoothie and maximize fruity flavor.

Work the blender up to its highest speed. I recommend starting the blender on a low speed and gradually turning the dial up. It is easiest to make smoothies in a high-powered blender with a tamper, like a Vitamix blender.

Blend the greens first. If you are including greens in your smoothie, I recommend blending them with the plant-based milk before adding the other ingredients. This ensures even blending.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Ingredients:

To make this strawberry banana smoothie recipe, you will need the following ingredients :

  • Frozen strawberries: Or you can sub in any other kind of frozen berries that you have on hand.
  • Banana: I typically just use fresh bananas. But if you have frozen sliced bananas, you can omit some of the ice in this recipe.
  • Milk: Any type of milk will work for this recipe cows milk, almond milk, oat milk, you name it.
  • Ice: However much is needed to achieve your desired smoothie consistency.
  • Optional add-ins: See ideas below!

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How To Make Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Making this creamy beauty is quite easy. It will take you 5 minutes . You will only need a good blender.

  • Start with preparing and measuring all the ingredients. I like to use measuring cups.
  • Take the blender and add all ingredients. Note: add wet ingredients first for easier blending. Also, add in ice cubes, if using.
  • Mix everything at high speed until you get a smooth silky texture.
  • If the smoothie is too thick, add a little more liquid milk or water. Blend again until everything is well combined.
  • Taste the smoothie and add additional sweetener if the smoothie is not sweet enough. I recommend using 1-2 soaked dates, date syrup, raw honey or maple syrup, stevia, or any low-carb sweetener. This is totally based on your preference.
  • Transfer the smoothie into a tall glass.
  • ADD TOPPINGS: I used banana slices and cacao nibs. Be creative here and add toppings you like.
  • Serve and enjoy!
  • Makes 1 cup that serves 1 person or 2 servings as a snack.

Tips For Making Smoothies

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Here are a few tips for making the best smoothies possible:

  • Start with ripe fruit. High quality fruit means better taste which makes a delicious smoothie.
  • Use frozen fruit. Frozen fruit makes for a creamier, more refreshing smoothie.
  • You dont need ice. Since youre using frozen fruit, theres also no need to include ice in the mixture. Your smoothie will be much more flavorful this way because the ice wont dilute the other ingredients.
  • Plan ahead. Measure out the fruit for a few batches of smoothies into separate zip-top freezer bags. When its smoothie time, add the contents of one bag to the blender along with the milk and yogurt for a super quick breakfast or snack.

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This Strawberry Banana Smoothie Is Perfect To Kick Start Your Day

This healthy strawberry banana smoothie recipe is made with delicious and nutritious ingredients.

Its a tasty and easy recipe, perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.

This smoothie recipe is an easy way to fit in some important nutrients first thing in the morning or for a quick snack.

The recipe is naturally gluten-free and there are easy substitutions to make this strawberry banana smoothie recipe vegan.

Best of all, you can make it in 5 minutes or less. All you need is a blender and 5 ingredients. So lets get started!

Strawberry Banana Tips And Suggestions

  • You can add almost anything to this smoothieit can be base for some incredible recipes!
  • Try adding Greek yogurt to your smoothie for a little extra protein.
  • Almond milk or coconut milk can be added in place of the water.
  • I used strawberries in syrup, but you can use fresh or frozen berries without the added sugar,
  • Add vanilla extract to your smoothie.
  • You can also add chia seeds, flaxseed, protein powder avocado, fresh fruits like raspberries or blackberries, frozen fruit like mango or pineapple and you could also get a nutritional boost from spinach or kale.

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Best Strawberry Banana Smoothie

One of the best ways to enjoy summer is drinking a cold and refreshing smoothie made from fresh ingredients. Im definitely a smoothie lover as its so easy to toss a bunch of ingredients into my Vitamix and 30 seconds later have an amazing drink.

And with strawberries in abundance in the markets right now, it only makes sense to whip up this classic strawberry banana smoothie recipe. I can get fancy with smoothies and include chia seeds, collagen, hemp seeds and other fun ingredients, but a simple, straightforward smoothie is just as delicious.

So think of this strawberry banana smoothie as your little black dress. Its a classic. Because whats not to love about fresh, seasonal strawberries, sweet bananas and creamy yogurt?

The Right Blender For Smoothies

Easy 5-Minute Banana Smoothie Recipe – How to Make a Banana Smoothie

There is no wrong blender for smoothies. Youll want a blender that has a fairly strong motor and can easily break down ice or frozen fruit. Depending on the other uses and frequency of use, a blender may or may not be an item youd like to splurge on.

My favorite picks

Over $100

Under $100

  • The Ninja Blender is a great price for a blender and perfect if youre looking for a solid blender under $100! This blender has great reviews with great reviews!

Under $30

  • If you dont blend a ton, it wouldnt make sense to invest in an expensive appliance. Consider a simple hand blender I use mine to blend soups like my 20 Minute Broccoli Cheese Soup.
  • I also have a magic bullet blender thats perfect for smoothies, blending spices and I even use it to make fresh bread crumbs.

Also Check: Thrive Ready To Blend Smoothies

How To Make A Strawberry Banana Smoothie:

Making this strawberry banana smoothie is as simple as placing all of the ingredients in your blender and blending until smooth. Youll want to start with frozen strawberries . The strawberries need to be frozen to create a thick, cold smoothie.

You want to use a banana that is ripe for this smoothie, since the ripe banana will add sweetness. Bananas are often used in smoothies because they help to thicken your smoothie and they give it a creamy texture. You can use a fresh or frozen banana. I usually use fresh in this strawberry banana smoothie. A fresh banana will produce a thick, creamy smoothie. Frozen banana will make your smoothie even thicker.

There are a few ways that you can customize your smoothie.

How To Freeze Strawberries

If you have a lot of fresh strawberries you can always freeze your own. Then use them to add to your smoothie later!

In order to prevent the strawberries from sticking together when frozen, you can follow these steps for freezing fresh strawberries:

How to Freeze Strawberries

  • Rinseand dry fresh strawberries. You dont want extra moisture, it will cause them to stick!
  • Prepare the fruit. Remove the stems and if you want, cut into 1-inch pieces for recipes. You can also leave them whole once the stems are taken off.
  • Placefresh strawberries on a wax or parchment paper-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Freeze for at least 3-4 hours or up to overnight.
  • Store strawberries in a gallon-sized ziplock bag. These can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months.
  • Read Also: Apple And Banana Smoothie Recipe

    Tip For Blending A Strawberry Banana Smoothie

    Add your milk to the blender first.

    This will help make sure the blender works the best that it can, and has easy access to the liquid of the recipe.

    If you do not have a high speed blender, you may need to add more milk to make it not as thick so that the blender can handle mixing the smoothie up.

    If you dont care about thickness, you can make this more easily by splashing in some extra milk to help the blender out.

    Its really whatever works for you!

    Heres A Quick Look At How To Make Strawberry Banana Smoothies:

    Watching What I Eat: Ultimate Strawberry Banana Smoothie ...

    Heres a bonus: This smoothie is great for sneaking in other good-for-you stuff! I often put in some ground flax seeds or chia seeds. Sometimes I add oats if I want my smoothie to be just a little more breakfasty . When I feel like being really good, I throw in a handful of spinach or kale .

    If you put in some extras, just remember that you may need to add a little more almond milk to loosen things up depending on how much stuff you add in. Just see how its going once you start blending.

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    Benefits Of Greek Yogurt

    I love Greek yogurt for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it is an excellent source of protein and I usually buy full fat Greek yogurt to get all those healthy fats as well.

    Pro tip: low-fat and fat-free products typically swap fat for sugar to make sure it still tastes good! Ill take fat over sugar any day. Its also loaded with probiotics which is important for a healthy gut and immune system!

    Strawberry Banana Smoothie Swaps And Substitutions

    The great thing about smoothies is that you can add or switch out ingredients to make it your own. Here are some variations you can try:

    • Make this smoothie dairy-free by using dairy-free yogurt and non-dairy milk such as almond or oat milk.
    • You can leave out the yogurt all together.
    • Use vanilla or strawberry yogurt for a sweeter smoothie. Alternatively, add up to 1 tablespoon of honey for added sweetness.
    • Swap up to half of the milk for orange juice.
    • Add up to 2 tablespoons of peanut or almond butter. Combined with the strawberries, it tastes like a PB& J smoothie.
    • Add 2 teaspoons of chia seeds.

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    Best Strawberry Banana Smoothie Alcohol Recipes

    Health Benefits of Strawberry Banana Smoothie. A strawberry banana smoothie is healthy for you since strawberries are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. According to WebMD, strawberries are among the top 20 most antioxidant-rich fruits. The amazing fruits are also a good source of manganese and potassium.

    The Best Strawberry Smoothie Vodka Recipes on Yummly | Strawberry Smoothie, Rosemary Watermelon Strawberry Smoothie, Strawberry Smoothie. Sign Up / Log In My Feed Articles Meal Planner New Pantry-Ready Recipes New Browse Guided Recipes Smart Thermometer. … Strawberry Smoothie Vodka Recipes 83,052 Recipes.

    Non Alcoholic Drinks … Easy Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe – The Suburban Soapbox. 6 · Just a few ingredients and about 2 minutes, that’s all you need to make these easy Strawberry Banana Smoothies from scratch! Recipe by The Suburban Soapbox. 2.3k. 6 ingredients.

    Ingredients. To make this strawberry banana smoothie recipe, you will need the following ingredients: 2 cups frozen strawberries You can also use any other frozen berries youd like! 1 fresh banana, peeled You can use a frozen banana, but you might want to lessen the amount of ice you add if you do. 1 cup milk You can use any type of milk for this recipe

    In addition to strawberries and bananas, this smoothie also has vanilla yogurt, wheat germ, and honey.

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